Private Branch eXchange
Your business telephone system that offers multiple inbound and outbound lines, call routing, voicemail, and call management features.
Your business telephone system that offers multiple inbound and outbound lines, call routing, voicemail, and call management features.
Your business requires a high quality, reliable, feature-rich phone system (PBX) that simply works. Just as important is for your solution to grow and change as your business does the same. Now add every business owners desire for cost savings and business continuity, and you’ve just answered the question of “Why should I use Hosted PBX and VoIP” services.
Think about it. Buying a phone system or PBX is like buying a car. Just a few short years after the purchase of a premises-based PBX, it is out of date and worth just pennies on the dollar. You don’t want to waste precious capital on hardware, software, and professional services. Especially when the quality, reliability, and business continuity of our Hosted PBX and VoIP services rival traditional high-end enterprise phone systems.
Biz-VoIP has assisted countless businesses just like yours to realize the “true” benefits of our Hosted PBX and VoIP services. From law firms and doctor’s offices to car dealerships and real estate brokerages—each has found that the quality, capability, and value have met and exceeded their business’ requirements.
Your business telephone system that offers multiple inbound and outbound lines, call routing, voicemail, and call management features.
Your business requires a high quality, reliable, feature-rich phone system (PBX) that simply works. Just as important is for your solution to grow and change as your business does the same. Now add every business owners desire for cost savings and business continuity, and you’ve just answered the question of “Why should I use Hosted PBX and VoIP” services.
Think about it. Buying a phone system or PBX is like buying a car. Just a few short years after the purchase of a premises-based PBX, it is out of date and worth just pennies on the dollar. You don’t want to waste precious capital on hardware, software, and professional services. Especially when the quality, reliability, and business continuity of our Hosted PBX and VoIP services rival traditional high-end enterprise phone systems.
Biz-VoIP has assisted countless businesses just like yours to realize the “true” benefits of our Hosted PBX and VoIP services. From law firms and doctor’s offices to car dealerships and real estate brokerages—each has found that the quality, capability, and value have met and exceeded their business’ requirements.
The digital method of making and receiving phone calls and other digital communication over an internet connection.
The term trunk in SIP trunking refers to virtual phone lines that you can use to make phone calls over the internet to anyone with a phone number.
From small businesses looking for the flexibility and cost savings of VoIP, to mid-sized businesses looking for business continuity, disaster recovery, and unlimited or metered calling plans, we offer solutions that are ideally suited to your requirements.
Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) has become the common signaling standard for real-time communications for Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP). SIP is an open standard which enables customers to seamlessly connect existing customer premises equipment (CPE) with our carrier class voice network. A SIP Trunk is a virtual phone line that utilizes a Broadband connection for access and offers up to 40% savings over traditional telephone lines.
Shared SIP trunking is when more than one office shares SIP trunking services through one account. The benefits are many and start with your ability to plan for peak concurrent call utilization across the enterprise, versus on a location-by-location basis. Most of the time this will result in immediate cost savings, as well as a more flexible and scalable solution.
Let’s say you have three locations. You currently have 15 lines (POTs lines or call paths on a PRI) at location one, 10 lines at location two, and 5 lines at location three. That’s 30 lines total today (15 + 10 + 5 = 30).
We provide you with one or many SIP trunk groups, and any number of pre-paid call paths. We also offer the ability to “burst” up to ten (10) additional call paths on-demand for a slight surcharge.
In many cases, you can make do with 20% fewer lines if they could be shared across the enterprise. So instead of 30 lines, you may only need 24 lines (30 x .8 = 24). Not only is that an immediate cost savings, but there are call routing and business continuity benefits included with the service.
Ability to burst above the number of pre-paid trunks or call paths on-demand (i.e./ automatically).
Make changes to the configuration on-demand, and as needed.
provides you with advanced routing capabilities in our cloud software platform.
Configure a SIP trunk to automatically fail over to another location, cell phones, or any number of other scenarios, without manual intervention. If your PBX hardware fails, or you lose power, your customers can still call and reach you.
Ability to burst above the number of pre-paid trunks or call paths on-demand (i.e./ automatically).
Make changes to the configuration on-demand, and as needed.
provides you with advanced routing capabilities in our cloud software platform.
Configure a SIP trunk to automatically fail over to another location, cell phones, or any number of other scenarios, without manual intervention. If your PBX hardware fails, or you lose power, your customers can still call and reach you.
(833) 392-5300
There are many good manufacturers of IP phones. We have selected Yealink as our primary provider.
Finding a UCaaS provider that truly understands the unique needs of your business is the key to your long-term productivity and growth.
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